Duh..its..kxvr is the most beautiful kindest person! She loves her fans and always put them first!
Hey! Have you seen duh..its..kxvr she has over 10.0k on tik tok!
by Brooklynn1123 October 28, 2021
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Bolshevik prick whos madly in love with Gabe (not goodchild a different one)
Very ginger and sorta a fucking pain
No sense of humour and very fecken stressy
Wont stop giving me the fuck me eyes
Sorta selfish and mean and lacks self awareness and agressivly introverted and violent
Charlotte A. (not allington its a different one): I will break your other collarbone
Gabe (not goodchild a different one): Wtfc
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Is another Cornish greeting

Usually pronounced as if you’ve had 6 pints of rattler before 10am

a beautiful mix of the words “alright then”

Basically a really lazy way of saying “hello” “how are you” in one quick Cornish grunt
1 “Ite den, how be knacking?”

2 “not baddddd you?”

1”not bad like”
by Cornishman101 March 9, 2021
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A question you know that is best opposed to herself and a question you might automatically say out of the blue when you are talking to her; if at some point you meet a distressed traumatized female with "Carol Anne" for a first name and "Star" as a last name; who has either had an abusive or a stressful past life and is always mean, angry, defensive, panicky, and holds a bizzare negative opinion in regards to nearly everything that brings us human beings together! Things like sex, dating, pregnancy, children, babies, love, marriage, kissing, and cuddling...
It's not easy for anybody! We all got our own issues to handle and we all go through bad things but having the last name star, one would assume you'd be hella tougher coping than the rest of us. You're a star and stars are bright! How can a star twinkle its way into the dark and can't shine a way out? Use your light and step away from the darkness Carolanne Star! Otherwise you'll end up just like starlight.sl1996
by Ertten Ques October 6, 2019
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Yetis exist. This particular type of person is the logical one. Sometimes it IS yetis making that huge branch crack in the middle of the campground. Sometimes its the Russian government doing tests in the mountains; just never know!

If you meet someone who says 'its sometimes yetis'. You probably found the one that would help you survive in the wilderness.
Sometimes....its a deer the dog is barking frantically at in the middle of the night; but we all know Its Sometimes Yetis
by A Minnesotan April 23, 2019
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It is used by people who lost their children and disagreeing that Cancer exists.
Its not Cancer its surprise bone growth.

Its not Cancer its surprise cell growth
by Cavejoncen October 22, 2019
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