Any one-shot-kill weapon in an FPS game. eg. The AWP from Counter-Strike or the Barret from Soldat. Generally favoured by campers and the like who are too scared to get anywhere near the real action during a game.
The AWP is indeed a Pansy-Cannon.
by CinnamonToasties June 6, 2009
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When you eat a 72 ounce steak! Than on the way home from Texas at a rest stop. You bend over "pull one off" (masturbate) and fire a 72 ounce shit at the wall!
Joeys a boss! He did a texas cannon, there is poo everywhere.
by Poomaster Kyle June 10, 2021
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Another word for a penis that can tear about an intestine like a .50 caliber weapon
Holy shit. Dante tore her apart with his Gut Cannon.

I hope your a weapons expert. Because you get to handle my Gut Cannon
by Dsav July 12, 2015
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One of the strongest moves in "A legends Journey" Performed by D.Une, D.Star, Darling, & Hakari when fighting against Mizuki Enoch before performing the "Starburst Seal". The move itself caused Mizuki to be placed in between the realms of existence and non-existence correspondingly, before Hakari completely sealed him into the realm of non-existence. Dubbing him "The star that doesn't exist", the move itself is also a clan special although it used only 4 of the members within the clan and still did immense damage, it would be far stronger if the whole clan combined together and performed the move.

Due to the moves unrivaled power, it can only be used by "Star Clan" members with "Darlings Blood" flowing through them whilst being in there "Unbreakable Will" states. Which, the "Unbreakable Will" requirement completely hinders the move from becoming over powered. Due to many of the clan members not having that stage to be forcefully activated unlike others.
D.Une - "With our powers combined we will defeat you, nothing in existence not here or after can stop this. Star Buster Franxx Cannon!"
Hakari - "Impossible how can such a power exist!"
by Darling Une October 14, 2020
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A sexual position in which one person fucks a second from behind so hard their kidney stone pops out of the urethra into a third person’s mouth.
Damn Casey, Drake’s monkey cannon was the biggest one yet! I dropped a few pieces.
by ComZhora March 18, 2021
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He had to face off last week in the super bowl against sex cannon Rex Grossman
by Cumfuckle October 15, 2021
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