getting drunk , fucked and pissed on then falling asleep and waking up the next day.
he had a sticky hangover after they got drunk the night before
by Gozaagustus March 21, 2022
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What you get after a night of smoking really good weed.
I have a Denver Hangover from that dank kush we smoked last night.
by The Fred man September 20, 2019
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Next day regret from an E-Bay purchase.
"Yesterday I bought a fairing bracket on E-Bay. Now I have an E-Bay Hangover trying to pay for it."
by Pirate 2112 October 31, 2011
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A feeling of nausea, fatigue, and general awfulness experienced after attempting a difficult math problem.
"Man, that algebra homework last night was SO HARD!"

"Yeah bro, it gave me a Math Hangover. I've had 5 cups of coffee this morning and I woke up with a calculator taped to my forehead."
by TheMedicareMathlete July 21, 2016
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When a Person or People go on a gaming spree for a long Period of time without stopping and the effects last one-two days
Friend: Dude you look like shit
Friend(2): Sorry, I'm kinda recovering from a (Gaming hangover)
by Lol love ya February 2, 2016
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the grogginess and floaty feeling you get waking up the morning after eating an edible
“dude those edibles we made were amazing”
“yeah man i had a crazy edible hangover the next day
by _jujutsu October 30, 2019
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When you get a good nights sleep, waking up is the equivelant is that of a hangover.
"Did you see that college girl?"
"Yeah what about her"
"She looks like she has a sleep hangover."
by rugbygirl15 October 30, 2011
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