A play on the term "Food stamps. Referring to when women go on dates with men solely for the free meal and drinks.

Dude stamps can refer to a girl's tinder matches, as if she's collecting free meals.
Olivia: "I got like 7 dates lined up this week."
Bella: "Nice work with the dude stamps, girl!"
Olivia: "Thanks, I'll make sure to order a bunch of extra expensive food so you can have some leftovers!"
by Eglandled August 5, 2023
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"Dude Stamps" is a play on the term "Food Stamps". It represents women who go on single dates for free drinks, dinner and the leftovers the day after etc... The ability to sustain a lifestyle with random males footing the bill of numerous things to gain the female in questions favor. The best analogy would be "boyfriend welfare".
I totally used dude stamps to get my oil changed for free today.
by scary2004 November 20, 2015
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Grabing a balll sack with a hand and slapping it on a persons body parts.
They were branded with a tea bag stamp.
by Sheargenius January 23, 2017
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I am not telling him about that because he's just going to put the J stamp on it.
by speakout09 December 11, 2008
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When two men are gay and one of them sticks there balls in another’s asshole.
I went to Disney land and one of the workers asked me to asshole stamp his buddy who was making him horny. The guy that asked me didn’t have balls so he couldn’t do it himself.
by Nolanparrish220 January 22, 2018
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PC Tony Stamp has been in the force for 30 years. he frequently reminds his followers of what constitutes an "arrestable offence". his usual expressions include "i'll nick ya", "you little toerag", and "focus on your schoolwork". he has tried to arrest and locate Roadmenbible multiple times but so far has been unsuccessful. overall he is an absolute legend and a total unit and he will nick anyone who gets in his way. he claims to work at stratford police station in the east end of London
Whose that trying to arrest Roadmenbible?
It's PC Stamp, he's an absolute unit
by NONYMOUS69q October 24, 2020
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The figurative footprint of someone who ate you out. Can be used to reference that that more than one person had done it.
I’d like to leave a tongue stamp on her.

How many tongue stamps does this girl have?
by Russian Unicorn July 23, 2019
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