Contagious laughter, sometimes referred to as side-splitting laughter, usually occurring in group of people witnessing a funny event or joke
The police, looking confused after pulling over a driverless vehicle, had onlookers in splits.
by Smash Ogre April 12, 2022
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1. To cut an object into two or more pieces.
2. To split apart into different groups.
3. A gymnastic pose that could make just about anyone orgasm.
1. Amigo 1 and Amigo 2 split the thanksgiving turkey for them to have for each other.
2. All the kids on the school field trip split up into different groups.
3. Kelly did a split, and Carl had an orgasm.
by Someone with a 🅱️rain August 3, 2022
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Splits can only be done by uncle horitzz. Uncle horitzz is a god he loves the splitz and has lots of circus members
Is that uncle horitzz doing the splits
by Soster and Socha September 30, 2019
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Did a split for the cash
Did a split for the cash
by Tracyb66 September 23, 2020
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Another word for a bisexual. Originated in Queen Anne's county Maryland by Miguel Triana.
Damn bro, you made that girl split!
by Mig T December 15, 2016
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A lesser version of the word frigid, split means to not want to kiss or hug or outwardly display affection in public.
Boy 1: Diana wouldn't hug me last night.
Boy 2: That's 'cause she's split.
by SiMeg August 7, 2009
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Jessie' spreads her legs on me while we FUCK!♡
Jessie' Splits high!♡
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