1. A couple of Weeks

2. Developed into a greeting, similar to hello. Used mostly in the "Land of No Streetlights" (Freeland) and Long Hanborough, both located in the Oxfordshire county of the United Kingdom

Originates from the following Example:
(Village pub setting)
"Hey, isn't it the smoking ban in a couple weeks?"
"Did you just say cup of wheat?"
"No, I said a couple weeks"
*Cue Laughter

Example 2:
"Cup of wheat!"
"Ah, Cup of wheat, my good man!"
by Goon Man Industries April 23, 2008
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1---"its like a water trough for horse but it has wheat in it" ---- definition by a mental patient i worked with when i asked him what a wheat trough was.

2---alternative to calling someone a douche bag.

3---People with the first name Evan
"dude you are being such a wheat trough."

"what the fuck did you just do, did you pour that bag of wheat in the horse's water trough? hell yes i did, now its a wheat trough"

"God Evan sometimes you can really be a wheat trough."
by Harddrive September 25, 2008
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The unhealthy alternative to Wheat Thins. Used exclusively in "your momma so fat" jokes.
Your momma so fat she eat Wheat Thicks.
by row!dz December 25, 2009
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adj.- more sexy than usual.
"I'm feeling whole wheat tonight, Mom."
by g-spot August 14, 2003
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A type of beer that girly men like to drink.
Timbo drank all the sunset wheat while knitting.
by XtestmessageX June 19, 2008
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The mixture of a man's semen and a female's yeast infection.
I was going down on my girl and got a mouthful of "cream of wheat".
by Rusty Harwood March 13, 2009
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