A playful yet slightly disparaging term used to describe the complicated role of a female mental health clinician in a men’s prison.
Gotta run, I’m seeing my prison geisha today so I need to hit the showers.
by Dr Bunnygirl March 7, 2018
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Federal prisons last for usually 12 years. One can end their time at a federal prison early, but the people gave birth to them will be very angry.

It is a little know fact that when you attend a federal prison there is a free and hidden extra dlc consisting of, Gucci wearing douchebags giving you constant death threats, parents giving you death threats when not performing up to their standards(exclusive to Asian servers), and getting pressured by your peers to mimic basically their every action.
by n't're'yes January 29, 2019
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Socks. Annoying, sweat-causing, non-barefoot enducing, everyday socks.
The first thing I do when I take off my shoes, is rip off the foot prisons I had to wear inside them. That's why I prefer flip flops, even in winter!
by Jackalope Hunter December 13, 2022
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Slang used to described a woman who's into "bad boy" types and is in and out of relationships with men who have been in prison or had trouble with the law.

The "flea" part describes how she hops from ex-con to thug.
Rick: I thought Lucy was dating regular guys?
Steve: Are you kiddin'? After she quit school and started doing crack, she turned into a god damn prison flea.
by Kwanzaa Shrub January 11, 2012
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1. An alledgedly straight person resorting to homosexuality due to an ineptitude with women.

2. An alledgedly straight person resorting to homosexuality while incarcerated.
He's not really into dudes he's just prison gay.
by Anticulture August 5, 2019
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Using the anus as a wallet in prison to sneak in assorted goods.
Hey man I snuck some coke in for us in my prison wallet.
by Tommy Buns 654 May 22, 2013
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