v. A term used in sex.
1. The male positions himself behind the female and touches her gently in many places(such as the bewbs) with his hands.

2. Doggy style

3. A easy way to turn on a girl(usually asain) and seduce her into sex
"Have you heard? Eva gets so horny when you take her from behind!"

"Eva loves to be taken from behind"

"Eva can't refuse when a guy takes her from behind slowly! Anywhere!"
by Whyaaa June 23, 2009
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The single most frustrating thing in the world. Something that will invariably happen to you because someone 12 years ago took it and now you need to spend the next 10-20 minutes coming up with a new one that wasn't taken or altering your current one until it no longer resembles what you wanted
Any site in the history of the internet: "Username is already taken"

User: "Damn-it, now what the hell do I use?
by SeriousManMan December 28, 2017
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Usually used in very physical oriented sports. (ie: american football, hockey, MMA, boxing, etc.)

Said when one athlete is hit very hard, and often falls down on his/her back, knees, is spun around, drops to the ground very suddenly, or has an injury from the hit, losing conscience, almost instantaneously after being hit. Could lead to concussions.

Very entertaining, but the viewer should feel guilty for watching.

Could also be applied to real-life collisions where one person falls down hard, and stays down for a period of time. Tripping and falling, etc.
* Two guys watching the NFL game on TV*

Guy 1: DUDE! That guy got crushed. He's not getting back up!
Guy 2 : I know! That guy got taken the fuck out!
Guy 1: I think he broke his neck!
by Snakes&Arrows July 18, 2009
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When she feels bad and pretends to be with someone so you don't ball up in your room and cry.
by Moejoe3432 April 11, 2016
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A euphemism for "captured by fast zombies." In the role-playing game "HERO Madison," a person captured by the fast zombies is taken to the Johnson Creek Outlet mall for some nefarious purpose.
I'm very sorry, sir. It seems your son has been taken to the outlet mall.
by Mateo Incognito November 26, 2008
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A use phrased by countless politicians, celebrities, and television/radio hosts to justify any stupid thing they ever say. While occasionally something is taken out of context, it is mostly ridiculous.
Critic: "How could you possibly claim that you want to rape and murder every single minority in the country?"
Douchebag: "I did say that, but it was taken out of context."
by JohnJF August 8, 2008
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slang;Done with. Got handled with.
BallzSwet: Damnz yo! he got knocked da fuck out!
SuxBonerz: Yeah B, dat white boy got taken out to dry!
by DrunkenTiger September 7, 2006
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