Having sex with a woman while she's one her period.
It's Susan's time of the month again, I hope she'll let me stir the paint tonight.
by Harry Bullocks October 3, 2011
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Deliberately making exaggerated remarks to elicit an aggravated response from another person. Normally done to get a reaction out of the person/group of people.
Me: I can't make it to your party, the traffic is really heavy.
Ethan: Why, do you hate me??? :(
Me: WHAT?? No! You're just shit stirring.
by stephskiii January 21, 2019
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When a male inserts his penis into a female's vagina and moves it in a circular motion making a noise similar to stiring macaroni.
"Baby sit tight and let me stir the macaroni for you tonight"
by Java Jibbz August 21, 2011
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To go where another man has boldy gone before
A: Dude, you jammed your little man in her flange?
B: Absafuckinlutely!
A: You stirred my porridge!
B: What?

(For those not paying attention, B is cuntstruck)
by Anonymous November 7, 2003
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A mix of stirring the pot and spilling the tea, when someone gossips about something, then that person tries to make the tea worse.
Rebecca: I kinda have a crush on Timmy, but don’t tell anyone
Kween: ok girl, I got u
Kween: Hey Timmy, I heard that Rebecca likes you, but you didn’t here it from me
Felicia: Kween don’t stir the tea
by GNE! June 23, 2018
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Banging your girl, filthy dirty raw, whilst she's on her period.
Aaron was Stirring the paint on Stephanie, dude, his balls were dripping wet with blood like the halls on the shining. He wore a pad for a week too.
by Milky bussoms October 29, 2017
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The rude or obscene gesture of giving someone the middle finger but in the upside down position.

Performed by giving the middle finger with your hand upside down, while making a stirring motion with the middle finger, as if you were stirring a drink with that finger.

Can also be used to actually stir someone's drink if you intend to really drive the point the home.
That hot chick just told me to stir the drink...I hope it's an offer!
by SmazZ August 12, 2010
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