You say this when you wanna tell others that something is exactly your thing.
Like it's something you like doing, you do possess, or you simply appreciate.
"Yeah baby yeah! That's my sort of bag baby!" - Austin Powers

"No baby no no no! That ain't my sort of bag baby!" - Austin Powers
by DaWordMaster June 16, 2004
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Someone who is sorted out for E's and Wizz had bought some drugs (most likely ecstasy and speed) in order to have a good night in English club, British pub or UK festival. This sentence is mostly known for being a name for a song by British indie band called the Pulp. Jarvis (guy who wrote tis song) first heard 'Sorted out for E's and Wizz' from his (girl?)friend and he thought that this sentence is genius.
-Mate, can you sort me out for E's and Wizz?
-No, but i have kittens
-Ok. Miaow will do. Cheers.
-Cheers. See you in a bit

Oh, is this the way they say the future's meant to feel?
Or just 20,000 people standing in a field?
And I don't quite understand just what this feeling is
But that's okay cos we're all sorted out for E's and wizz

(the Pulp)
by sergio jose da silva April 7, 2011
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a useful expression. this describes a whore who you would probably bang, if it wasn't for the 623453 STDs she had and the fact that she was blown out like the Grand Canyon. she looks hot, but you can tell she's a skank.
Jenny walked into the bar with a tight tank top and short skirt and with a guy on each arm. She looked attractive in a cheap sort of a way.
by Heinz000 May 28, 2006
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There comes a time in everyones life where you have to go upstairs, wash your face and sort your life out. This often needs to be done after much has been fucked up or you are going through a bad patch..
'my girlfriend dumped me, ive lost my job, im broke, what the fuck am i gonna do'

'well first you need to stop being a pansy! Go upstairs, have a wash and sort yer life out'
by Gay Bear August 12, 2007
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A phrase used to describe a mentally unsound or flat-out crazy individual.
Steve: "Did you watch the GOP debate last night?"
Joe: "Oh yeah, Michele Bachmann is all sorts of mixed nuts."
by Karen123451 November 9, 2011
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When someone is intoxicated to the extreme. Can be off alcohol, weed, other drugs, or a combination of any of them.
Dude, I had 15 beers then hit the bong so hard. I was all sorts of fucked up.
by quignugget June 30, 2010
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1- Trying to accomplish something that is a monumental waste of time.
2- Wasting your energy or time on a lost cause.
There is no way your wife is letting you go to Vegas with the guys. Trying to convince her is like sorting books in a burning library.
by Bernie Lomax February 26, 2009
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