"Kerbals boarding the shitfuck 2 knowing very well they are going to die"
by maxmorpher February 28, 2023
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A typically accidental combination of shit and fuck used by an intoxicated individual, usually in broken English
Villiam chugged more vodka and then fought off his need to vomit by saying "shitfuck" in a Slovakian accent.
by Rotaryray September 13, 2015
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The word you use when your way to angry
Why the fuck is my lubrications on the fucking baby you shitfuck
by A_hornymf69 May 11, 2020
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Someone who you hate or can't stand to be around. The other meaning is someone you would like to shit on.
"Here comes the shitfuck Brad."
by 99PotatoHead99 April 19, 2016
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Someone that have the gift to make a messy situation even more garbled, in the most of cases taking a personal advantage on it.
Willy is a shitfucker!

He convinced the boss to use his crappy solution to hide performance problems.
Now he has got been promoted and I have to deal with that mess.
by ||||42|||||| April 25, 2018
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A nickname for those who fuck their own shit
- imagine they bring a girl over

“ Ew what the hell ur a shitfucker.”
“ babe no I’m sorry I swear I’ll try to stop!”
Oh shut up you nasty ass bitch.”
“ I swear I’m not a shitfucker!!!”
“ yes tf you are, I’m leaving!”
by Aubbey_waubbey February 9, 2023
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