Opposite to Netflix and Chill.
When you eat pizza and relax whilst watching tv or a movie
"Hey, wanna go for a pizza and plow?"

"Heck yeah, Pepperoni for me"
by AndysComing10120230598 January 9, 2018
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v. To have sex with a fat woman, usually out of pity or necessity.
Man 1: What did you do last night?

Man 2: I was so desperate that I resorted to plowing the cow.
by brotherswanson November 21, 2009
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Refering to the shape of the penis, Plows through the interior of the vagina.
You cant stop the meat plow, Biiatch !!
by stizzy September 21, 2003
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When having sex from behind, in the "doggie" position, you knock a girls arms out from under her and pull them back above her head, smacking her head against the floor and making her into a virtual plow.

(Walking around while in this position is optional)
Last night me and Becky were having sex and I pulled the amish plow! I'll never see HER again!
by AXiD July 29, 2004
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coined in Tom Robbins' classic novel, Jitterbug Perfume, it refers to the act of coitus. To plow furrow is sex but with a sentimental mentality toward nature during the old in-out, in-out. You're not just banging...you're affirming your existence and giving a head nod to Gaia, that's mother earth.
This hippie chick scolded me during sex: dont just fuck me impersonally like you do other hoochies, start plowing furrow and show your respect to Mother Earth
by st paul luke February 1, 2010
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The icy slushy mess left at the end of your driveway after the plow goes by.
OMG I have been shoveling this plow puke for days!
by dish_kid February 5, 2011
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To be yelled upon violently punching another's butt-hole.
When Sarah least expected it, I sphincter plowed her from behind.
by Liljohny September 5, 2011
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