Another way of saying that a girl has a smelly vagina
by mr xdemonlordslayerX August 5, 2016
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The shit in the creases in between one’s genitals and thighs, generally built up from under garnments or just not washing your junk.
Does anyone here know the best way to get rid of crease gunk?
by Nerdarino July 15, 2018
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another word for wiped poop, feces, crap, or turd residue.
by POOPONMYBUM July 6, 2009
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Used mostly in southern prisons it is usually reserved for those who are turned out or punks who are passed around so much they develop a crusty dark coat of old semen around the anus
Damn many give mindy a break he's developing to much punk gunk to enjoy that fine ass
by Handy mat June 19, 2020
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A desk (usually at a school) that has an insane amount of gum underneath it.
Dude stay away from the desk right next to the window, it's a total Gunk Bunker
by GasMaskOverdrive March 22, 2017
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The fat build up in between the thighs that rub (Also could be arm GUNK-UMS: The build up of fat on the side of the arm closest to the armpit)
I need to put vasaline between my legs because I get brush-burn on my GUNK-UMS!!!!
by word dropper November 11, 2009
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