A meme on the internet thats a green frog thats on a unicycle. It was made into a song. It was first made in a math book by a teacher.
by Know Your Memes November 24, 2018
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Staying salty after being beaten by Mike Ross
Yo N A Z G H OU L get bodied! HOLD DAT!
by Tipzntrix October 3, 2011
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its like "i'd hit it"
or wantin sexual relations wif a person from da opposite sex.
dude she hot i'd tap dat.
by sh-tevay and ma-cedes. July 8, 2006
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Dats weird is when something really abnormal and strange happens.
My brother got hit by a car and he is fine

What?..... dats weird
by Hiitisgod0102030405 November 7, 2019
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An expression that can be used to ask for something or it could just mean anything. Similar to supercalifragilisticexpialidocious it is a term to be used when you don't know what to say, or just feel like saying it. Gummuh can also be a substitute for a person place or thing. For ex. two gummuhs is a substitute for a scorpion, three gummuhs is a substitute for a snake, and four is a spider. Man is ten gummuhs. Spiderman is fourteen gummuhs because spider (4 gummuhs) and Man (10 Gummuhs) = 14 gummuhs. Forty-five gummuhs is roast beef, however, when used in a sentence you would say gummuh the required amount of times.
Boy 1: gummuh dat

Boy 1: Oy! I just found a gummuh gummuh gummuh! (Snake)
Boy 2: Sick!

Boy 1: My mom is making gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh for dinner. (Roast beef)

Boy 2: Cool! I love gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh gummuh. (Roast beef)
by The gummuh guys October 26, 2018
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A hood way of pronouncin the phrase "I appreciate that".
"Yo, man, I got u those downloads you want." "Preshate dat, homie, good lookin."
by SouloCutz March 9, 2010
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Alternative meaning, popularized by the the Soulja Boy song of the same title. Crank dat refers to the act of masturbation, as indicated by the lyrics "watch me "crank dat" soldier boy then superman that hoe"
Watch me crank dat soldier boy then superman dat hoe...OR...watch me masturbate my erect penis then ejaculate on this promiscuous woman's back before sticking a sheet to the soiled spot on her back causing an eventual cape-like effect.
by Cracka-boy October 30, 2007
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