B.U.F.F it means a beautiful unique fun friend
for example (hey buff things, do you have WiFi? Because I think me and you got a connection.)
by buff August 13, 2015
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The buff stands for


This was made after two girls named Milly and Lottie got spell corrected after writing BFF

This can be changed to 'buffet' or 'buffie'
Waiter: what do u want to eat
Buff 1: we'd like some buffetie spaghettis please!
Waiter: Wtf?
Buff 2: it's cool you would not understand...
by Lotkla June 2, 2017
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An expression commonly used by annoying British girls to describe a very attractive individual.
by The Real Awif October 26, 2015
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A term used to refer to things or situations that are difficult or uncool. This phrase is most commonly used by American painter, musician and internet radio personality, Jake Longstreth.
by Twosunsinasunset July 12, 2020
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Glasses Most Likely Worn In Detroit
Person 1: Aye Bro Them Real Diamonds in Your Buffs

Person 2 : Fasho Bro
by YofavvDetroiter March 3, 2019
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A word used to describe an animal with a shredded physique.
Look at that cat, it’s extremely buff!”
by buffcat March 31, 2020
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