Similar to Finger Pointing. A knee-jerk reaction to assign
blame to someone in a team setting for a series
of mistakes, unmet goals, etc. that cause a serious
failure. Once the Blame Gun has been pointed
and fired, the victim may be let go, written up, demoted,
shunned, etc. Ironically, often times the shooter is as
much to blame for a failure as the victim.
Joe : "I bet somebody's gonna get sacked for losing

that big account."

Moe: "The boss pointed the Blame Gun at me, but

I convinced him it was Fred's fault, so Fred

got shot instead."

Joe : "Well played."
by Hey Moe! June 3, 2009
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Go ahead and blame yourself for being an inconsiderate, washed up, retarded piece of garbage.
by PineappleJuice March 1, 2015
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A Take on the business phrase "brain storm" but instead deals with meetings where failure is being highlighted and combatants point fingers at each other as to appropriate blame...
"How was your meeting?"
"A nightmare mate, after discussing the collapse of the XYZ account it turned into a Blame Storming session..."
by GRIM8O December 18, 2008
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Similar to shit happens, it is when something usually happens that is against one's will, they tend to blame the man. Could be anything from not winning the lottery, getting fired from work, or your girl/boyfriend breaking up with you since the man seems to always be the one causing everything.
Matt: Aww it's going to rain on the day I'm supposed to go to the water park. This sucks! Why did you only plan it for one day?

Steve: Blame the man. Not me.
by prof. frink July 14, 2006
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A rally for childfree women, based on the cartoon “Lady No Kids” who follows a goose to find her next adventure.
“I skipped my friend’s kid’s one year birthday to go to Spain. Blame it on the goose!”
by Yjames August 19, 2022
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Victim Blaming (or victim shaming) is when people blame someone for getting themselves hurt or into a bad situation. Since people have no way to refute the argument that the victim should've taken more precaution they use an invented term like "Victim Blaming".

We can all take more precaution in every dangerous action we engage in - whether that's driving (drive slower), climbing a ladder (have someone hold it), or any activity in which there is a possibility that something can go wrong and result in injury.

The "Victim Blaming" term also insists that the victim suffered through no fault of their own. In other words, the victim is not responsible for anything that happens to them and simply pointing out that more caution should've been exercised makes you a bad person. People who are accused of "victim blaming" are not excusing the behavior the aggressor, which is often misunderstood by people who simply shout "victim blaming" at others.
Person1: That Lion tore my arm off when I was just walking through the jungle minding my own business.

Person2: We'll you shouldn't be walking through the jungle alone without protection. That's dumb.
Person1: You're victim blaming asshole!
Person2: No, I just think it's common sense to not put yourself in danger. Even I don't walk through the jungle alone.

Person1: Victim Blaming!

Person2: I didn't want you to lose your arm, I'm just pointing out the simple fact that, had you been more cautious, you might still have your arm. I only mention it so you and others might be more careful next time.
Person1: Rapist! Bigot! Racist! I hope a lion tears your arm off.

Person2: *Facepalm*
by wordboss-502 April 17, 2018
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