To erotically slide the penis in the place where the forearm and bicep intersect.
Last night I broken bagpiped my girlfriend and I splooged all over her stomach!

I love doing the broken bagpipe, it makes me feel all tingly inside of my genitals.
by Britta and Kurt August 11, 2007
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An alcoholic drink consisting of a shot glass half filled with vodka (Russian) and half with Scotch whisky.
This shot combines the smooth, complex and aromatic flavours of Scotch and the pure, clear, uplifting elements of vodka to make a delicious beverage that is the best of both worlds. Often consumed before a night out on the town as it provides much needed sustenance for the night ahead. Will get the drinker quite shitfaced if drunk in copious quantities. Can also induce vomiting in those with weak stomachs.
Damien: Man let's do another Russian Bagpipe! They're delicious.

Damien: I'm so fucking hungover, i shouldn't have had all those Russian Bagpipes...
by slutmeister June 1, 2009
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the act of fornicating after applying hot sauce to your scrotum
i play a mean flaming bagpipe
by the real poop ninja January 11, 2009
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To have one gay male stick his penis in the other man's arm pit
Ryan and Joe were playing the bagpipes all night.
by Anonymous May 8, 2003
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Verb : To Play The Devil's Bagpipes: the never ending struggle of playing with your balls during the adverts of a soft core porn on telly trying to keep yourself aroused and erect yet without spilling your load over a date-line commercial.
by GregL May 24, 2006
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The act of ejaculating into a bagpipe and shoving it down a woman's esophagus or anal cavity with great force while attempting to play a song on the instrument.
Sarah: You know that new Scottish kid? He Scottish Bagpiped me SO hard last night.
Jessica: Oh my god yah, he Scottish bagpiped me in the ass!
Sarah: The weird thing was he actually played a song too.
Jessica: Ya he's a dirty fuck if you ask me.
by xXx_Nut_Meme_xXx December 1, 2016
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A made-up band you can blame everything on.
Jake: Man, the US has had some hard times lately.
Jack: Its because of Bagpipes United
by Thundah_Jack April 29, 2015
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