The dude who slouches forward with his big ass shoulders and chest because his back muscles can't hold him upright.
Look at that back skipper hitting chest again.
by week3hoh June 21, 2018
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A person who regularly tries to skips ads. No matter where they are and what the ad is.
Person 1:"Eww! A ad! Skip." *Tires to find the skip ad button on the ad but realizes there is no ad skip button in real life.*
Person 2:*Sigh* "Parents these days. Teaching their kids how to be a professional Ad Skipper."
by TheOnlySmeggy January 30, 2016
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a group of people not to be specified at this time; commonly used towards one who acts like a mongoloid
Evan is a skipper, and always tries to act cool.
by baba o reillo November 23, 2004
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Jonas Grumby The "Skipper" from Gilligan's Island. Few people know what the Skippers name was. Played by Alan Hale, Jr. from 1964 to 1967 one of the "seven stranded castaways" from the ill-fated S.S. Minnow
stranded on an uncharted island on the Pacific following a storm.
Gilligan: "Skipper"
Skipper: "Yea little buddy"
Gilligan: "The radio said Jonas Grumby sank the Minnow, that's you"
Skipper: "Yes I know thats me Jonas Grumby, The "Skipper".
by Farsidefan February 14, 2009
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a particularly trashy, decrepit, old, rusted, non-functional, or just generally crappy vehicle. The green puddle skipper is an amplification of the general use puddle skipper. A green puddle skipper may be any color (usually "rust"), but bonus points shall be awarded if said car is actually any shade of green. A green puddle skipper goes above and beyond bad taste or low budget, and is the sort of car that should have been shredded, shot, or compacted into a small steel cube dozens of years ago. There is no excuse for a green puddle skipper.
"Holy geez! Was that a bright yellow 1979 Mercury Cougar with a coat hanger for an antenna and Saran Wrap for the windshield?!?"
"Yessir, it was."
"What a green puddle skipper!"
by LightBoy December 8, 2005
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Usually refers to a kid who enjoys the art of masturbation. Lives with korean peolple and takes it in the ass.
That kid is a Skipper Junior.
by Stanley October 24, 2003
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