Not going into detail on why I say this, but I'm saying I have my reasons. Dyson is the name of someone who catfished me online and tried to convince me my spirit guides where being killed, just to try and claim that to save my spirit guides would only be saved if I was in a relationship with him. Super creepy, 10/10 would NOT recommend. Really creepy. If someone ever says to me that they have Dyson, and they are not talking about a vacuum I will haul ass in the other direction as fast as humanly possible.
Person 1: "Oh, Dyson's great!"

Me: "Your talking about the vacuum company right? I've heard they have cool vacuums too."

Person 1: "Nope! He's a great new friend I made online!,"

Me : "Heed my warning, please! Block him while you can.," *runs away hauling ass as fast as humanly possible*
by Starfire16 April 8, 2022
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A full time stud who is rich with an Xbox series X and is a professional at dishonoured. He also pioneered many 'game' techniques as well as creating the famous pickup line 'what's cooking good looking"
Is that a stud i see. No mate its Alex Dyson dropping game.
by Alex Didders November 9, 2022
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In an attempt to make his penis longer, Rob tried dyson dicking which in result caused several injuries and a $2000 hospital visit.
by Capnmudkip October 9, 2022
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The person of the friend group that gets offended at most jokes that isnt made by them but its okay for them to make it
Ricky is The Dyson of the group gets offended unless he makes the jokes
by PhilTheeJu April 3, 2023
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a person who sucks the life out of you and never loses suction.
Every time i talk to Barbara Jean i am drained, she is such a soul dyson.
by Kenerex November 9, 2010
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