1) Crap
2) Sleep
3) Learn
I got up early from my chap to chap some gemarah but then i had to take a chap.
by Neenainai March 28, 2004
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To slap your penis across another persons face in a sexual act.
I chapped my girlfriend.
by Brady June 5, 2004
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angry, upset, salty, "chapped".
buddy guy was so chapped when i stole his bike and asked him "what'd you do to your bike?"
by budddddddy guy January 17, 2017
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A Mental Health hellhole of Meadville, PA. Where Staff Members create a dillusional sanctuary, where they monitor the heavily medicated consumers that the system wants to forget. Only to credit them with the ability to give & point fingers regarding 'stigma' so the organizations and it's staff members can make money. Then go back and strip the consumers of their dreams, hopes, and every sense of pride & independence.
What's wrong?

I got kicked outta CHAPS again!

For what?

I wasn't allowed to have more than 2 cigarettes in an hour! ...so I'm not allowed to go to CHAPS for 6 months and I have to either treat my apartment like a prison or hang out aimlessly in-front of neighborhood bars!<:(
by Mrs. Blonde-Badkneez July 16, 2009
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When you are reet mint as oot at something.


Physical violence
Booker T is the chap, he reet dished oot the chaps on the worlds strongest cock Mark Henry to win the worlds blackest cock award in the wrestling.
by Andy Chap March 2, 2004
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