Person 1: "Is that a bouncy ball with a trucker hat?"
Person 2: "Yeah, it's snooki"
by Jerz2010 September 11, 2010
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To get decked in the face due to lack of fighting/ducking skills
Yo that nigga just got snookied. He wont be able to eat regularly for days.
by jrzboi January 20, 2010
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When a guy punches a woman in the face.

Derived from a woman nicknamed Snookie from MTV's reality show Jersey Shore that was punched in the face by a drunk guy in a bar.
"Yo Bro! Someone a-hole snookied my girl last night at The Brown Starfish Bar & Grill. He better hope he never gets out of the penn."
by Gtasahomo January 2, 2010
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An anal sex move involving a pale white dwarf that speaks in broken english and has melanoma from over tanning. Pickle penetration is the most common form.
Brother, I just snookied your sister. she took a whole jar of pickles in her ass.
by Pickle Pumper February 21, 2011
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to get knocked out, punched, knock someone else out, or to be insanely drunk
man you were soooo snooki last night, you got kicked out of the bar!
by rlbmut. June 19, 2010
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