a boy who likes playing cod warzone and sipping beers with his crew!!! he’s a bit of a player and get with many girls. cool dude overall
sweet darius! that bloke is an ellie sherry
by the penis size radar June 27, 2020
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Used in reference to when something is ruined from the addition of something that is excessively good or sweet, or not particularly bad. Like dropped the ball.
In conversation,

“Dude I’m regretting kissing that guy for 20 bucks
Yeah, you really dropped the sherry on that one”
by JeffNickleson March 10, 2019
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Used in reference to when something is ruined from the addition of something that is excessively good or sweet, or not particularly bad. Like dropped the ball.
When you’re friend is about to overdue something.
“Don’t drop the sherry.”
by JeffNickleson March 10, 2019
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Someone whose family has changed their surname so they can claim to be of wealthy & certain ethnic background when they are not, as in she is actually british. The original surname the one given above.

Almost prewrites her remarks & advice, which she regurgitates almost reflexively in appointments & meetings, time & time again.

Likes to macerate the self-esteem of her cases, who she asks a certain campbell, "Is he cute!!?". campbell only being too happy to hand them over to her as a gleeful offering. When the case is transferred to another team, cannot help but to follow the new team & incessantly insist of her emasculating opinion of the case, making sure the kid remains emasculated, as if sons she never got to neuter herself. The sons-to-be ought to be glad no to be born of her.

To add insult to injury, is the one to cover up her many mistakes in the office; deflects faults to other people; projects that I am the one to prewrite every single word that I utter (bitter I have comparable mastery of her language, herself proud of it by vancouver standards, the hapless immigrant that I am); given an ambiguous elevated position in the center for her "interesting" b.s. opinions -- of little to no psychiatric basis, posturing for it nonetheless; & then, tells everybody & to herself she is this "compassionate" (her own wording) person in her never-ending attempt at subtle self-compliments of an actual very average life.

"A piece of work", someone once close puts her lightly.
Ex 1:

How could I not know you're not brutish (british)?
You're a sherry gerry.

Ex 2:

Don't ask san franciscans (de-capped) to come to a place to advice how to build a metropolitan, they got things all screwed-up. They'll say have a Hastings Street to have a place for drug users, just because & next thing you know, the social workers are all sherry gerrys!
by mrdabbleswithpotion January 19, 2022
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Absolute sex beast, tears pussy apart like it's 1945 , loves a good oul time sending toe pics and showing his arse crack.
Ah Shaun sherry what a lad them hairy toes are sum else🥵
by John mastersnizkle November 23, 2021
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A planty life app experience so extensive that it caused a pop culture ripple. #Sherryborarules #jeffexitstageleft.

She is an inspiration to all plant folks everywhere all hail sherry!
Man did you see that epic battle sherry vrs jeff?
by Whiterabbit1984 July 2, 2023
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Eating copious amounts of dairy products, despite having a well-known lactose intolerance, and subsequently declaring the circumstances under which you’ve nearly shit your pants.
Becky had ice cream and pizza at lunch. She pulled a Shameful Sherrie on the way home as she clenched to my front passenger seat.
by OldResidence January 20, 2020
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