A person whos truck is worth more than his house.
"that guys got a real nice truck, he must be a peacocker."
by JERKFACE63 September 24, 2017
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When a penis has a large amount of pubic hair growing, signifying a peacock's large, extravagant feathers.
Hey Carol did you see the pubes on that guy? They were huge!" "Yeah I know Joan, he was totally peacocking."
by hollywoodboy10 December 3, 2010
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The act of texting someone next to or near you about someone else slightly farther away.
- only applies if the person who is the subject of the conversation is in view and is none the wiser
Me and Alyssa were totally peacocking earlier, Meghan had no idea what was going on.
by P_cock December 18, 2008
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The act of a male tricking some one into thinking he has a bigger penis than he actually does. Similar to catfishing but only with the male reproductive organ.
Yo with this angle I can be peacocking some bitches!
by Clitmaster44 October 5, 2019
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-The act of a female having sex with a male who possesses a smaller than average penis.
(Guy says to Other guy )- That dude from the club actually got laid last night!

Other guy - Really? But doesn't he have like a three inch penis?

1st guy - Yeah!

Other guy - Damn, that chick must've been peacocking like there was no tomorrow.
by Bobby OMG February 20, 2011
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Achieving the absolute pinnacle of drunken display.
Jack languored onto the table, then burst into the most vulgar, perverse display of peacocking I have ever seen. How he fit that empty bottle there I will never know.
by Mr. Grim May 9, 2005
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When you have a body part pierced that has been aroused in a fashion that others might see(as in hardened or changed shape.)

Also known as the subtle peacock.

To Peacock: Is to nip out clearly having piercings while clothed or otherwise.
Example 1: Man, it's so chilling I'm peacocking.

Example 2: My clothing is so tight and that person is so hot I think I'm about to show my Peacock.

(All examples may be in reference to female or male/cis or non cis body parts.)
by BastGirl March 3, 2016
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