N. The tastiest kind of blowjob around. EVERYONE WINS WHEN THERE IS A NUTELLA BLOWJOB.

Now into further detail
The act of putting Nutella on your penis and having your partner lick/suck it off.
"Wow you are pretty fucking, cool you deserve a Nutella blowjob"
by another leafyishere meme March 14, 2016
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Bread 🍞 + Nutella

Italians usually eat a slice of bread with Nutella smeared on it.
Thing 1: Damn bread and Nutella it’s the greatest combination of aliment in this word!!
by vii<3 June 4, 2023
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Lisa: hey man I gotta check my pants
Peter: wanna touch my junk with Nutella? (Nutella wristy)
by Tonguepunchmyfartbox June 14, 2014
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Someone really lame who has never tasted nutella.
Me: Hey wanna go get some nutella?
You: WTF is nutella?
Me: You're such a nutella virgin, you fag.
by Youre mommmma! May 14, 2009
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A white Motherfucker, Who puts Nutella on his face to look black, Commonly Beaners.
I just saw a nutella nigger at school, He looked so good i could actually eat him out
by HairyAsshole June 8, 2014
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when you use a jar of Nutella as a fleshlight and bust a nut, it is usually recommended that you cover up the nut after performing this action
bruh I just busted a Nutella and didn't tell anyone
watch out dude I think Jared busted a Nutella in that
when I get home I'm going to bust a Nutella
by Phat Knut Buster May 20, 2019
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