8 definitions by vii<3

Peladophobia is the irrational fear of bald people. Someone suffering from this condition can expect to experience a very high amount of anxiety from merely thinking of bald people, their anxiety may be so intense that they may even endure a full blown panic attack as a result of it. Although such an influx of anxiety will not always be the case for everyone suffering from peladophobia, it is still very plausible to occur nonetheless.
Someone experiencing a full blown panic attack as a result of their peladophobia can expect to have an increased heart rate, an increased rate of breathing, higher blood pressure, muscle tension, trembling, and excessive sweating, among several oher symptoms. Although panic attacks may not always be the case for everyone experiencing symptoms of peladophobia, it is still possible to occur, especially if their symptoms are very severe.
Guy 1:"OMG!! A BALD MAN"
Guy 2:"you have Peladophobia.."
by vii<3 July 16, 2022
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Thing1: look! She’s born in 2010..
Thing2: SHE’S ONE OF THE 2010s RUN!!!!!!!!!
by vii<3 June 15, 2023
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Bread 🍞 + Nutella

Italians usually eat a slice of bread with Nutella smeared on it.
Thing 1: Damn bread and Nutella it’s the greatest combination of aliment in this word!!
by vii<3 June 4, 2023
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*cacca comes out of my ass*

Me: 🥳🥳🥳 finally!
by vii<3 June 2, 2023
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1: It’s 4th of June… yk what that means…
2: ITS BREAD AND NUTELLA DAY!!! *eats bread and Nutella cutely*
by vii<3 June 4, 2023
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Thing 1: do you support LGBTQ?

Thing 2: Of course not! We do not accept any bullying here
by vii<3 June 17, 2023
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Thing 1: hey what’s homestuck?
Thing 2: well, just an Lgbt movement
by vii<3 June 17, 2023
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