Some one admin in the BOSSES who is annoying and repeating things and deletes evidence and facts , or some one whos name starts with D and ends with O .
M.G: what is ur real name?
DebbieO: Amber Heard
by Bossesamber May 20, 2022
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To shit in somebody's bed out of hatred, resentment, or feeling the need to abuse somebody.
Abuser: OMG, I just Amber Hearded all over my boyfriend's bed because he chose to visit his mom in the hospital instead of taking me to the mall!

Friend: Wow I can't believe you just did an Amber Heard on his bed!
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A dumbass crying over money at court
"did you hear that amber heard shit her bed?"
by Random shit idk August 24, 2022
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When a person lets go a giant dookie on your side of bed
Being defined as : "Yo David, I did The Amber Heard on Melissa last night, she's still cleaning it".
by ToxicFish June 2, 2022
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Girl 1: *does something bad and gives a LITERALLY bad explanation*
Girl 2: dude , 😐 stop being AMBER HEARD
by south_cake16 June 4, 2022
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