Ok, so, there's this guy who is a big sweetheart and cracks me up. I used to think the world of him. Later, I found out he's just as confused as the rest of us. But, I still think the world of him.
I'm actually the goober, because I still think the world of him. A goober: A girl who can't change her mind about somebody, just because he's changed his mind about the world.
by Shellers December 14, 2005
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A goober is not generally a funny person. It (can not be referred to by sex as they are asexual) love video game t-shirts and typically can not hold a normal conversation with a NON-goober. They also think Linux is the only operating system worth using and love telling you that in way too many words. Usually engineer/physics/computer science (or in goober speak comp sci)/math major - for college level goobers. For "professional" goobers they like to carry pocket protectors and go to comic book conventions.

Note: Usually do not shower more than once a week due to extensive playing of WoW maps on Starcraft 2.
Look at that f*ckin goober! Bet he masturbates to WoW while coding in Linux
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Its a word that Ron created. Made, and uses.

It's also a word that is trying to be stolen by, Seana H. But its not aloud.
goober is Ron's word, stop stealing it!
by Ron May 29, 2004
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A precious girl that is prestigious person/thing
by KiD K February 21, 2015
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A rude and abrasive person on the internet whose go-to response to any disagreement is to threaten to rape or hurt you. Cannot accurately describe what they want to do to your genitalia, due to the fact that they have never seen it before.
1. "Wow, this goober thinks it's okay to threaten rape because I don't like Halo!"
2. "Goober here says that s/he wants to stuff my urethra into her/his butthole???"
by TheKubliest October 17, 2014
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A peanut that likes to wear monacles and thongs...and also wear a hat and carries a cane. Likes to take people up the ass and against the wall. May be found in many different styles...such as "Teen Preganancy Goober", and "Ninja Goober".
Wow that goober is looking FIIIINE in his thing and monacle. Where is the nearest wall?
by Joober January 23, 2005
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A goober is any type of bodily fluid which leaves in a large quantity. Typical goobers include semen, poop, snot, saliva and vomit.
Man1: "Dude, Janice is so pissed with me. Last night she was tugging the porksword and I accidently goobered all over her face."
Man2: "No way!"
Man1: "Way!"

Man1: "Dude, what the fuck did you do to that toilet? Smells like a cabbage patch kid crawled up your arse and died. You smelly bastard."
Man2: "Sorry buddy, after that indian yesterday can you blame me for totally goobering?"
Man1: "Point made."
by Flossua March 21, 2009
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