A wannabe emo. Tries so hard to fill the emo stereotype. My Chemical Romance t-shirts/hoodies are common. And as they say that 'real' emos dont admit it when asked, if you call them a gonk they will deny it.

And also.... biggest posers you will ever encounter!
''Omg! Look how gonkish they are! Total posers!''
by meandmybrightideas September 17, 2006
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Just a generally annoying person who has white hair.
Quentin: Hey, whos that guy with the white hair?
Cedric: I dunno, but he looks like one hell of an albino gonk!
by steveoid March 3, 2008
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Adj. Scots. A normally intelligent person who has momentarily decided to become an imbecile.
What's that. You put diesel in? The car runs on petrol, ya dippit gonk!
by imshi July 13, 2009
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Southern Illinois slang for masturbating using the hand of a woman you slaughtered.
Corpse must be old enough for necrosis to set in.

Otherwise it is Glorking Yerh Hork.
Hey jordy I Cronked my Gonk yesterday!
John are you fucking serious? John you know you can't be Cronking Yah Gonk round here, that's illegal!
by fliip3 May 18, 2022
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Please may I have a troll you male genitalia
Guy one: "'Gis a gonk ya dober!"
Guy two: "Pardon?"
Guy one: *gets out urban dictionary* "Please may I have a troll you male genitalia.
Guy two: Sorry gave my last one away yesterday.
by Katweeeee June 4, 2007
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