A Girl Gamer is a female from the ages of 13 - 25, who claims to be a gamer that plays video games. They will refer to games such as Candy Crush, and constantly label themselves as a girl gamer.

They have also been known to take selfies of themselves licking or inserting part of a console controller into their mouths.
"I'm such a girl gamer. I play Candy Crush and Farmville."

"Look at that girl gamer, licking that Xbox controller."
by LaughingKitsune March 29, 2014
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You must know the difference between gamer girl, and girl gamer.
Gamer girls are the whores with girl in their names and go 4&17 on any match with only 3 games on their list of games played. Whereas a girl gamer is the one that clutches and carries your team every single match, doesn't take bullshit from someone of a lower k/d than them, and will not back out of a 1v1. She's the one with the newest custom scuf controllers and Astros

John: "Hey dude, guess who I was talking to yesterday when I was streaming"
Reece:" Who?"
John: " This girl on my friends list, gamerGURL333"
Reece:" Guess who carries my team yesterday on CoD 4"
John: " Tyler?"
Reece: " Nope, a girl a met, her names avalors saviour"
"Now there's no way she's NOT a girl gamer! look at her k/d compared to rebellionChick's!"
by NewfieGal99 June 19, 2015
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A whore who once tried to work as a striper and got fired because she is an ugly thot
"hey gois im a gaymer gurl am i not a special fcking snowflakeeeeeeee"

rawr xd gamer girl

(shut the fuck up)
by Densest June 8, 2017
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Recently, associated with a girl who only plays video-games for attention. Though, she is not good at any video-games, tends to be just a poser. Totally different than a gamer who is a girl. She just plays the games that are trending and don’t actually understands most of the games.

The term Gamer Girl is so awful that people might take as a offensive.
Person 1: Ugh. I hate when Gamer girls pop in the Overwatch voice chat.
Person 2: Me too, friend.
by Carolina22 January 17, 2019
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A fabrication, not to be confused with a girl who games, a Gamer Girl is female playing video games due to her army of simps
Guy 1: "Did you see that Gamer Girl?"
Guy 2: "No, I have self respect unlike you, simp..."
by BatmanIsEdgy October 5, 2020
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A Gamer Girl is a person who is part of the highest legion of school society. Gamer Girls are the people that get the teacher to talk about something persons the entire class or does something extraordinarily epic. A Gamer Girl doesn’t have to be a woman but can in fact also be a man if that man has indeed achieved the level of epic
That is needed.
“Hey man what’s your favorite game?”

Dark souls man”

What is this? You can only say dark souls is your favorite game if you have beaten it and only gamer girls can beat dark souls”

“I know”
by TreeHeadUrbanDictionary February 26, 2019
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