A believer in an imaginary, mythological and demonstrably foolish and insane religion which has brought more hatred, death, torture, pain, sadness and fear to the world than anything else except Islam.
Hey, look at that Christian over there, torturing someone.

My goodness, weren't most of the Nazis also Christians? I heard the commandant of Auschwitz was a 'good' Christian who attended church every Sunday.

Listen to that Christian televangelist asking the poor little old ladies who watch his show to send them their money so he can continue his lavish lifestyle and have sex with prostitutes.
by Jesus Izza Myth October 13, 2009
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Someone who can't answer the question "Why did God create Smallpox?", or, just rationalize it in some weird way in favour of their God.
Atheist Vs Christian debate

Christian: You're going to Hell!

Atheist: Okay that's nice but can you answer the question I've asked 9 times; Why did your God create Smallpox?

Christian: Disease is a result of Sin!

Atheist: So why would a merciful God punish millions of humans, many being babys, because some guy was convinced by a talking snake to eat a magical apple that your God put there in the first place? And that's just one of God's many creations that he made in his infinite wisdom.


Atheist: *sigh*
by Niak34 October 3, 2010
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-A person lacking in common sense
-Filled with denial or ignorance
-see Down Syndrome
"Poor thing, I'm afraid he was tragically born a Christian..."
by Man_whore_OMG October 5, 2006
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A hottie, sexy beast, but is never on social media. He will always give up what he has to be with the one he loves. A Capricorn usually. He's been through a lot so don't mistreat him. Usually with an amazing girlfriend. But if you can get him as a friend then that's enough.
by Caterina48510 January 3, 2017
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Christian is a girl who has only met one other female named Christian. She is fiercely intelligent and bold. Christian is an artist who takes her craft very seriously. Christian is intense in the best way possible. When she loves, it’s unconditional. Friends of Christian know that they can confide in her. She is the perfect person to give you amazing and thoughtful advise. Christian also has sense of humor like no one else. She can make anyone laugh until their belly hurts. Christians smile radiates and you cant help but feel warm when she looks at you. Christian can read people better than most. You don’t have to say a word and she know exactly what you are thinking. Christian is the best of both worlds, she knows how to be serious when it is needed but she also is the funniest most fun person out there. If you date a Christian you will find endless love and adventure. If you are friends with her, you will find the same. Get a Christian.
No one:
Not a soul:
Christian: hey I noticed you aren’t yourself today, would you like to go on a super fun adventure?

“Omg! Christian in improv today..... I was ROLLING”
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Christian is that guy who is so funny and gets all the wet pussy he wants.
Man, I wish I could be like Christian.
by Xx_Gwendelyn_xX February 23, 2017
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Someone who gets shit done. Let them handle whatever you asked them to do, because that person has got it under control. Let them get their shit done.
When someone points to their name tag that says “Christian” that means they are gettin shit done.
by Tilts_mini June 16, 2018
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