When you don't know how to either answer to a message or simply to tell the other person that you've seen the message. A smiley face ":)" also has to be added in the following message.
Person 1: Hey man, how's it going?
Person 2: Pretty good, my grandma just died.
Person 1: Broccoli choo choo
Person 1: :)
by Wynterise November 4, 2019
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When two homosexuals choose to play the rodent game (sticking a rodent into one's bum) and they put a tube between the two, the partner with the rodent inside him farts in order to try and get the rodent to run into his partner's bum.
Wow! did you see that hamster run from Frank's bum to Steves? that was quite a choo choo train
by synister shadows April 26, 2006
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A variation of the train where all those involved are related.
Hey Billy Joe let's go on down to Mary Sue's and run a Chattanooga Choo Choo. Make sure cousin Earl and Bob are there.
by Techs July 14, 2006
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it means absolutely nothing
its just fun to say
Shane: choo choo pickle pie
Lavinia Fisher: what
by tyllelelr November 3, 2019
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When a guy is on his hands and knees, and a girl is behind him licking his ass and pulling his dick down like a train horn while she says “toot toot” into his asshole.
Last night Karen got drunk and took me by surprise with a wet choo choo toot toot. She sure is a good train conductor.
by Chokesondicks July 14, 2019
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Friend: “Bro I’m so stressed out I didn’t study for this test.”
Me:“Can't relate. I’m choo choo real smoothin over here”
by mony p-p-pony February 9, 2019
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No beating around the bush here. It's a gay train! A group of fags get together and line up pecker to butt - hole, and simultaneously ram each other in the ass all while making train sounds.

This is not to be confused with a "gravy train"
Oh man I got so wasted in Nashua last night, I ended up in a Poo Poo choo choo all night long! But this doesn't make me gay, because I was the caboose!
by Bean town January 18, 2014
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