fondle Buddha
Addendum: I should mention that this is not meant to offend any Buddhists. This was taken from a situation in which a good Christian friend brought a small figure of Buddha as a purported good luck charm. His "tell" was when he rubbed Buddha around in his hand, hence the origin of "fondle Buddha".
by Russ_Da_Roo February 5, 2004
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the stealing of marijuana or money from another person; preferably a dealer and preferably for a large amount of at least an ounce. Also a clan from NJ who runs shit. this word is copywrited
two buddha heist members set up a deal for a QP and gank that shiat.
by Buddha Heist J January 4, 2005
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The pussy or vagina of a virgin that is tight and nice.
That church girls got a nice tight buddha beaver.
by Frazierificus December 3, 2006
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Those not wanting to use the word God, but substitute another diety in its place, because such sacrilegious profanity might be offensive in their own culture.
Karen, for the love of Buddha, your ass has grown! Lose weight.
by SempaiXyloid January 17, 2022
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Buddha Blinking is when someone blinks their eyelashes on someone’s butthole.
I caught my parents mid Buddha Blink.. so sick!!
by Stōk Stevens September 27, 2019
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