It's like finger-banging but done on the cyberspace
"I fuckerberged mary last night dude"
"Hell Yeah, I love Fuckerberging!"
by DlSCO SPlDER August 22, 2016
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The inventor of Facebook whose sole job is to fuck up his product and make it worse.
"Did you see that new facebook update?"

"Yeah it looks like Fuckerberg is at it again."
by Ivorytower July 30, 2013
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To take credit for someone else's work. To screw over your friends.
Dude, don't fuckerberg me. I worked really hard on that shit.
by wcsinx April 18, 2011
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A weird guy who reads your messages and censors your Facebook posts.

The most anti-social person on social media.
Damn, I wanted to share this funny post but I just got Fuckerberged.

Yeah, you know the creepy guy who reads your DMs.
by No Hemingway May 29, 2020
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The phenomenon where you talk about an idea to your friends/significant other and then it shows up on your facebook feed. This is then followed with a “What the fuck?! Is facebook spying on me or listening to my conversations?”
Friend 1: Remember that random, obscure topic we were talking about last night?

Friend 2: Well, I just opened up my facebook page and that same topic/idea just popped up on my feed! WTF?!

Friend 1: Whoa, really?! That’s pretty creepy. Seems like everyone’s privacy is an issue these days.

Friend 2: Yeah, could be a coincidence or a total Fuckerberg!
by Stella Luz October 12, 2019
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to pull an outrageous stunt and/or verbally attack someone by employing an equal mix of brilliance and douchebaggery.
he pulled a fuckerberg and told the dean of students he didn't know the difference between his ass and his elbow.
by realtalk90210 October 4, 2010
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to get booted off facebook
were'd Joe go?

he got the ol' fuckerberg
by JimDandy970 February 1, 2019
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