39 definitions by ~The Nameless One~

An omnipotent being that watches over negros "in da hood."
If normal society refers to a Canine lupus familiaris as "dog," and the reverse of a Canine lupus familiaris is the way we spell our Lord, surely our African American friends, who call a Canine lupus familiaris a "dawg," worship a Gwad?

Just food for thought.
by ~The Nameless One~ June 26, 2005
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In kindergarten, a relaxation period you can't truly appreciate until years later, when you desperately wish there was said period of nap time in your schedule.
Kindergarteners: Awww. it's nap time again! I HATE nap time!

High schoolers: More fucking homework? Whatever happened to nap time?
by ~The Nameless One~ July 15, 2005
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1. Most commonly referred to in the form of an uprising. Usually by the people who are doing the revolt, the high powers consider it a rebellion.

2. Also a full orbit around a planet (for satellites/moons) or star (for planets).

The origin is interesting: Copernicus published a book in 1543 (apparently it's title is contraversial) Called something to the effect of: "On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres". The Heavenly spheres is the part in question: some say it's Heavenly Orbs, celestial spheres, Heavenly bodies... but I went with the most common theory.

This book caused such an uprising, that the word revolution gained it's new and now common meeting.
1. Viva la revolution! (The revolution lives!)

2. It takes 365.24 days for the Earth to make a full revolution around the sun (according to the atomic clock), which is why our leap year adds another day every four years-- to make it reach 365.25. Because these numbers don't match exactly, our years are actually inaccurate, moreso as time goes on.
by ~The Nameless One~ June 5, 2005
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An oxymoron used in urbandictionary.com's suggestion for non-copyrighted material to upload.
"Don't upload copyrighted content - send a drawing, a Microsoft Paint masterpiece, or a photo you took"
by ~The Nameless One~ May 25, 2005
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When you do a once over on somebody, but something about them (male in a dress, purple hair, somebody looks like somebody you know in a crowd, etc.) caught your eye.

Often due to surprise at what you *thought* you saw, but you desire a second glance.
"Lose Control" by Missy Elliot. (It asked for an example. This is not my favorite song.)

"I’ve got a cute face
Chubby waist
Thick legs in shape
Rump shakinboth ways
Make you do a double take"
by ~The Nameless One~ September 16, 2005
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The word that means "y" must really be a vowel.
Either that, or some words have no vowels... why? Nobody knows.
by ~The Nameless One~ June 2, 2005
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The state of having holes.
OMFG ROFL This swiss cheese is holy, let's worship it!
by ~The Nameless One~ June 17, 2005
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