16 definitions by zkpilot

Cost per Available Seat Mile

The cost to an airline to fly a seat 1 (nautical) mile
a stretched version of an aircraft often has a lower CASM due to more seats on board to spread the costs.

A 777-300ER has lower CASM than a 777-200ER.
by zkpilot May 22, 2011
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The point in flight where an aircraft starts its descent from the cruise towards the airport.
Captain: "Folks we are 5 minutes away from Top of Descent, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for flying Air ABC"
AB123 Top of Descent in 5 minutes
by zkpilot March 7, 2011
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The name for lockdown New Zealand with various changing rules made by the Prime Minister Jacinda “Cindy” Ardern with Kindy being short for Kindergarten (daycare).
Looking forward to going to the pub if we ever get out of Cindy's Kindy and back to normality.
by zkpilot November 23, 2021
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what happens when you're iPhone (or other device) tries to autocorrect cunt.
This has since caught on to being used by people wanting a substitude more acceptable/funny way of saying cunt.
that dude is such a count... lol don't you mean cunt? damn autoINcorrect!
by zkpilot March 28, 2011
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percentage of the market that a company has for its goods/services.
Company ABC added features and dropped its prices to increase its market share.
by zkpilot June 7, 2011
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meaning everyone...
more specifically its a technology term used online to refer to products available for both geeks and the general consumer population.
It is often used satirically particularly if the item/product is late to market or been restricted beforehand.
The new service is open to world+dog.
world+dog finally has access.
by zkpilot June 7, 2011
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a term used to describe paying to stay on somebodies couch/sofa (particularly a London term amongst Antipodeans' and South Africans). Generally it is considered (rule of thumb) in recent years to be £5 per night plus helping out with groceries etc).
I hear he is "dossing" at her place
I hope he is paying the usual £5 to doss at your place.
I'm just "dossing" until I find my own place.
by zkpilot December 14, 2010
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