74 definitions by xtreme2252

Awesome game where you go around killing ninjas, dragons and fiends with ninja weapons and fireballs (there are actually several different types of "ninpo"). It is the sequel to Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox (obviously), and you play as Ryu Hayabusa. It is also insanely hard and will require a lot of skill and patience, especially on Path of the Master Ninja, or even Path of the Mentor.

<MasterNinja2983> ...Ninja Gaiden 2 takes a lot of skill. It's a good game, maybe you just need more practice.

by xtreme2252 October 13, 2009
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An okay death metal band that used to be alright until George Fisher chose being a dork and dooming himself to virginity forever over songwriting.
George Fisher used to be a good vocalist for Cannibal Corpse, now he's just a nerd
by xtreme2252 March 9, 2009
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The latest installment of the ever popular furry game know as "World of Warcraft", or WoW. Players create a furry character, such as a cat (hence the title), or a wolf (Whoregen). The gameplay involves players removing clothing articles and dancing for currency, and type-yiffing each other for "fun". The way you do anything in this game is by right-clicking anything and everything. You gain experience from sucking off magic cows, also known as Whoren so that you may be strong enough to eventually suck off stronger monters, such as dragons. Everyone who plays this game is a morbedly obese furry faggot and a FYIAD
TypicalWoWFAG69: OMGzor's, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is so awesomesauce. I get so yiffy just thinking about it <3
by xtreme2252 December 12, 2010
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The greatest FPS game ever made. It came out on the N64 in 2000. It was kind of like a futuristic Goldeneye game based in the future and with awesome guns and good graphics for the time. You play as perfect agent Joanna Dark. The soundtrack was pretty kickass and went well with the game. There are also fun features, such as the Carrington Institute. You can unlock Goldeneye weapons by getting good scores in the shooting range. You can also unlock cheats by completeing certain levels in under a set time on a certain difficulty.

There's an XBLA version set to be released soon. It will feature better graphics and online play
<John> Perfect Dark was the shit
<Nathan> Yeah
by xtreme2252 August 12, 2009
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A game that is so addictive, you won't realize how shitty and pointless it really is until you've wasted your life and lost all your friends.
World of Failcrack is like the virtual version of crystal meth
by xtreme2252 July 20, 2009
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Commonly abbreviated as DLC, it is...pretty straightforward. Content that you can download, usually for a certain price, which cannot be negotiated.
Microsoft has Downloadable Content for XBOX 360 games, which can be purchased with Microsoft Points
by xtreme2252 July 20, 2009
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