14 definitions by wingnut


One who has protruding front top teeth, which may be likend to the prongs of a crowbar (also, see pegs)
*In exclamation* "whottah crowbar..."
by wingnut September 5, 2003
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Small, dried balls of turd that hang off the butthole hairs.
"Whoa, I need a shower... I've gotta wash off some crusty wallnuts"
by wingnut October 25, 2006
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Small, dried balls of turd that hang off the butthole hairs.
"Whoa, I need a shower... I've gotta wash off some crusty wallnuts"
by wingnut October 22, 2006
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gorilla biscuits

Derogatory phrase to describe a sinfully fugly person.
"He's so ugly, his face could be used to make gorilla biscuits"
by wingnut November 9, 2006
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Made up slang word, designed to confuse Kate.
me: sporkle.
Kate: okay...
by wingnut November 13, 2004
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Internet chat form of "oops." Used for "foot-in-mouth" situations.
Carl: why doesn't your dad ever pick you up from school?
Bob: my dad's in the big house
Carl: ewps
by wingnut November 15, 2004
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Homeless-shower-in-a-can, another name for deoderant that is designed to prevent B.O. (Body Odour), hence B-Oderant
"James, get some fucking beoderant you filthy crunt!"
by wingnut September 5, 2003
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