19 definitions by whenthathomebrewhits

People who non-stop post porn threads in /b/.
Pornfag: loli thread
/b/tard: (insert random anime picture here) shut up pornfag
by whenthathomebrewhits November 11, 2019
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Person 1: Have you been to r/Funny?
Person 2: I haven't.
Person 1: Well, basicaly, r/Funny is FUNNY HAHAHA
Person 2: I thought it was facebook
by whenthathomebrewhits October 26, 2019
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When you say this word repeatedly, it sounds like you're saying nigger.
Streamer: *Plays some random ass gamr
Donation:iggern iggern igger
by whenthathomebrewhits March 20, 2020
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The beginning sign of a subreddit name. Annoying when used outside of Reddit.
Person 1: HEY GUYS I HAVE MINECRAFT @22222222
Person 2: Minecraft 2 doesn't exist you idiot
Person 1: r/woooosh
Person 2: Fuck you
by whenthathomebrewhits October 26, 2019
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Tense1983: green, what is your problem green, what is your problem? me say alone ramp!
by whenthathomebrewhits November 11, 2019
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Normal Person: Whats up?
Normal Person: Oh. It's another commie.
by whenthathomebrewhits October 26, 2019
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