13 definitions by vejtics

One of the many nicknames of Trent Reznor used among hardcore Nine Inch Nails fans.
NIN fan: did you listen to 10 Miles High?
other NIN fan: yeah man, trønt is a genius
by vejtics May 4, 2019
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Short for whatever. Used when you couldn't care less, when you don't even care enough to write the whole word.
James: ur mom gay lole
John: w/e
by vejtics March 19, 2019
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Josh: Did you know that Bernard proposed to Kayla?
James: No way, they only met a week ago.
Josh: I shit you not, they're engaged!
by vejtics May 4, 2019
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The way Slayer fans call their favorite band.
Q: Metallica or Megadeth?
Slayer fan: FUCKING SLAYER!!!
by vejtics November 19, 2016
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when big corporations pretend to support gay people and trans people but they actually just want more people to buy their stuff
Person A: Hey look, there is a trans man in the new Gillette commercial!

Person B: Don't get your hopes up, it's just rainbow capitalism
by vejtics June 2, 2019
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the term you use when you don't care if something is stoner metal or doom metal, because it slaps anyway
What genre is Electric Wizard?

Idk man, probably stoner doom
by vejtics August 25, 2022
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Hey, did she reply to your message?
-Nah man, she seened me.
by vejtics May 12, 2022
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