16 definitions by tv spunk

Like a gargin only much more foule and gaye.
Everyone scarper, for fuck's sake, here comes garginfoul.
by tv spunk January 30, 2003
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For the English people, King Cnut's reign from 1017 to 1035 was much like the month of March, "in like a lion and out like a lamb". 1 Crowned in the turmoil of war and conquest, Cnut quickly established an era of peace and prosperity. England became so secure that Cnut could frequently leave the country to settle affairs elsewhere in his empire. It was especially important to a people weary from thirty years of war that all of the fighting during his reign was on foreign soil. By the time of his death in 1035, Cnut was recognized as an equal by the Holy Roman Emperor and had negotiated with the Pope as a Christian monarch.
by tv spunk January 30, 2003
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bogs for spazzes. Contain many unfamiliar and futuristic accoutrements not available to vanilla toilet goers. Frequently abbreviated to spazbogs
Right, lads. I'm off to release solo material in the spaz bogs.
by tv spunk January 30, 2003
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This means that an obvious punchline has been left tacit
An example, in this case, would be frivolous. You either understand it, or you don't.
by tv spunk January 30, 2003
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An ejaculation of exasperation, often abbreviated to ffs
Just leave me alone woul you, for fuck's sake?
by tv spunk January 30, 2003
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A vast network of computerised filth, lovingly pumped into the desktops of 21st Century office employees, ensuring that no work ever gets done.
Have you seen my collection of Asian bukkake scat pr0n that I spent the day downloading from the interweb?
by tv spunk January 30, 2003
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