24 definitions by trilliam turdsworth

iBall is a product currently under development at Apple that provides the user with up to the minute information about his or her testicular activity: for example, volume of semen in the balls, concentration of sperm, color and taste of splooge, and so forth. iBall looks like a small, futuristic cradle for your balls, made of a high ballistic material. Rumored to have been conceptualized by Steve Jobs himself, iBall is now overseen by Ron Jeremy's penis.
Person 1: yo Holmes I just copped the new iBall.

Person 2: how is it?
Person 1: not too shabby. Right now I got about a pint of nut juice ready to bust at the slightest urging.

Person 2: that's fuckin insane
Person 1: yeah
by trilliam turdsworth June 20, 2017
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if a person blows a fat brown wind, and a bit of shit trickles out into the underpence, that's a stainfart, otherwise known as #squirtblast.
ah fuck, i fucking stainfarted
ah cool
ah shit, it's a baddy
ah, too bad, too bad
by trilliam turdsworth February 28, 2023
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when you #assfart into "le toilet" and let loose a funky #boomboom.
typically accompanied by a big swig of cillian's irish red.
this was coined by Dogellis O'Shaughnessee, former preist of Vincent's Parish, Vilnius.
broski, i ripped a #dumpskin mcmurphy that rocked the whole continent.
which continent?
"the continent"
you mean europe?
no dude, 'stralia.
i thought you meant 'frica.
who you think you are, a #fartdoctor?
i'm terronce jimes "trip" beguddybetter
i'm Danold Ruckoworth
by trilliam turdsworth July 23, 2022
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this is what happens when you fail to properly cleanse the grundle region on a regular basis. your taint gets staint. often it's brown at first but can take on more complex hues of purple and smoked caramel over time. experts say that ancient mesopotamians even cultivated staint patterns by eating diarhettic, richly hued foods. those with the most profound of staints could be smelt from miles away, as far as central europe.
i've been working on my staint. haven't cleansed in over 6 months.
that's a topic of disgustion.
i'm reaching for my goal.
by trilliam turdsworth January 10, 2023
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on certain occasions, after one has consumed a particularly elegant meal—for example, of curried mussels with sausages, french fried potatoes, and port wine drunk from pig's bladders—one may seek to capture the essence of one's gaseous excretions in a flask. this typically happens only once or twice in a decade. the very best farts are known "body-spirits," or "esprit-de-corps," in the original french. such ripples will gain in complexity during the years they spend in the bottle, acquiring notes of dogshit, turpentine, penis sweat, and shark farts.
jamal: shall or shan't we uncork a few vintage farts this eve?
edgar: but of course, my good man.
jamal: i'll let you do the honors.
edgar: let me just take a dump right quick.
jamal: yeah no prob.
edgar: just opened it. smells so friggin good. just smells just like a dick.
jamal: cool.
edgar: yeah sick.
by trilliam turdsworth July 22, 2021
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when a white ass country club motherfucker takes his lil prick out and flicks it around in the face of an unwilling woman. usually performed after said country club assho' has done a few keg stands and given gay head to his friend tobin.
a: brett got pretty kavanasty last night
b: really?
a: yeah, he took his little winkledick out again and got up in a girl's face with it.
b: man, that kid sucks.
a: let's make him a supreme court justice.
b: okay cool.
by trilliam turdsworth October 1, 2018
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a portmanteau of the words "stink"and "pinkerton."

stink refers to something smelly, namely a fart.

pinkerton refers to a private detective.

thus, a stinkerton is a private detective hired to investigate the origins of a particular rip. the best stinkertons have backgrounds in fartography. if a trained fartographer is present at the scene of a true stink, undoubtedly he/it/they will be able to identify who released the rotten wind.
cadwallader: i lit'rally just dumpt unto my trousers.

triebwasser: shall we ring up a stinkerton?

cadwallader: wha'for, dear man? i just confessed to the smell-crime.

triebwasser: fair enough, my liege. 'tis a true abomination of the senses.
by trilliam turdsworth November 5, 2019
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