8 definitions by tinytom

when someones peronality is so hideous that he can never be accepted into social society, he will never form any bonds of any kind. he will have no friends, and never get married. he is destined to die alone.
cool guy: hello there buddy!
dario: (scowls and spits)
cool guy: dario you are destined to die alone
by tinytom January 20, 2007
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a man who 'collects' cats. he often steals them from young children. he often has sex with the cats once they are tied up. all around a nasty chap
dario is such a crazy cat man. have you seen all that cat semen on his bedroom floor
by tinytom December 12, 2006
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when someone thinks they are really cool, by buying a car that is way too big for someone their age, hoping it will get them some friends. it has so many seats-but no1 to sit there.
guy: nice car man, whoa u got like 8 seats!
dario: yeah i know
guy: wow, i bet u go cruising with people all the time
dario: no, no its an......
guy: emptycar? im sorry dude

(dario cries and runs off)
by tinytom January 20, 2007
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the same as tubgirl, but this time a boy did it. its extremely hard to find but if you type in 'dario in the tub' on a search engine it might come up.
that picture was sick, that dario charcter is the male version of tubgirl-tubboy
by tinytom January 20, 2007
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a fake company that people claim to work for to sound exciting
girl: so where do you work?
guy(who is lying he is realer unemployed): vanderlay industries! i am an architect. willu go out with me?
girl: yes, yes i will
by tinytom November 5, 2006
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the name used to describe a perfect woman. a poppyflop is a woman with perfect breasts, fantastic legs, and an amazing smile. a poppyflop is also incredibly sweet and kind.
oh my goodness my girlfriend nicole is so beautiful and sexy-she is such a poppyflop
by tinytom November 2, 2006
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me and my homie. we are the real life equivalent
Random guy: hey tom and daz. you two are so much like jay and silent bob. teach me how to be as cool as you
tom and daz: sorry its impossible
by tinytom December 12, 2006
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