117 definitions by the2ndflood

Whether a professional or amature; a Blog Brad Pitt or BBP is a person that is themselves very ugly, but chooses to point out any and all flaws in other people. An example of a BBP is Perez Hilton; who is a celebrity blogger that writes unfunny comments over celebrity photos. Perez himself is extremely ugly, but he blogs about the flaws; even minor flaws, of celebrities. He will point out the smallest of wrinkles or pockets of body fat, which just furthers the impossible standard of beauty that both men and women are forced to deal with on a daily basis. So a Blog Brad Pitt makes foolish, inconsiderate comments about someone else's looks, when they have nowhere near a Brad Pitt-Type model look. Most, if not all of these comments are made over the Internet through Blogs and Forums; where a person can bash someone else from safely behind a computer screen.
(Man 1) Holy crap man did you see those bikini photos of Mandy Moore?! (Man 2) F**K Yeah! She looked thick! But that stupid Blog Brad Pitt said she looked fat! (Man 1) Fat? what? Because she's not 82 pounds?! (Man 2) Yeah but you should have seen the blogger. The guy was 400 pounds with a total Meth Face!! He must not have a mirror.
by the2ndflood July 28, 2008
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1. A Non-Medical term that refers to an excessive amount of male Smegma that accumulates, resulting in a Flower-Like appearance when the Foreskin is pulled back. 2. A term no one actually uses but sounds funny.
I gave my girlfriend a rose of Smegmous Alagentous. She didn't think it was funny.
by the2ndflood February 29, 2008
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1. A foot sock that is used in place of a napkins during male masturbation. 2. Used to catch the male climax.
I hope my mom doesn't find my Pet Sock! That thing is hard as a rock!
by the2ndflood September 22, 2007
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1. A male that can not outlast a woman during sex. 2. A lazy man who only thinks about his own sexual pleasure.
My old boyfriend was such a punk! He was a Never Last!
by the2ndflood September 22, 2007
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The Moronic Wall That American President Donald J Trump wants to build and make Mexico pay for it.
A J-Wall is pointless and a waste if money!
by the2ndflood January 26, 2017
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1. A male that prefers oral sex over penetration. 2. A man that pays a prostitute so he can give her oral sex.
I just don't like pounding. I'm a Slit Player.
by the2ndflood September 22, 2007
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1. A thin woman who has a thick body shape that is hidden underneath clothing. 2. A woman where it is impossible to see how curvy she is without seeing her in a bikini or panties.
I thought she was just some skinny chick, but she ended up having The Skinny-Girl Look. Her ass was too mega thick!
by the2ndflood November 2, 2007
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