24 definitions by the guy

non-leetbie. An NS player very much entrenched in the core of noobity. Overwhelming noobness beyond repair
NSPlayer: you suck more than pshycho!
NSPlayer(1): NO ONE sucks that much.
by the guy March 14, 2005
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A character on family guy and formely the cleveland show. Not to be confused with the cleveland browns of th nfl.
by the guy September 17, 2015
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A Runescape player from Canada, who has stopped playing Runescape a while back. He occasionally goes on, but doesn't necessary do much. Darkwarrier9's level is currently at 67 and his most valuable item is his green party hat.
Holy shit! Look at Darkwarrier9 slaughter that greater demon with his rune battle axe!

Whoa! Darkwarrier9's party hat makes him look like a king in combination with his Rune armour!
by the guy January 1, 2005
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the place for all computer rip-offs
futureshop sales: "To play DOOM 3 in the highest details, you need a GeForce FX5200 video card. It's currently the most top-of-the-line video card and it only costs $850. It's one of the most popular products sold here. Oh and make sure to buy an extended 20 years warranty for $200. Have a nice day."
by the guy August 2, 2004
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v. take an original film, get rid of the backgroud music, voice, and sometimes sound effects too... then replace these items with your own. you are producing a dub
(dubs, dubbing, dubbed)

adj. (dubbed)

n. the product of dubbing
anime dubbed by americans sux shit
by the guy July 25, 2004
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A dick of such low magnitude, that it is on the molecular level or lower. The word is meant to be an over exaggeration , as no dick of such small size could exist.
I think I know why Joe is always so pissed off. He must have an atom dick!
by the guy November 14, 2014
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The speed that light travels (if it doesn't say in what medium, then it implies the speed that light travels *in vacuum*) Light travels at 2.99792458E8m/s, or approximated to 3.0E8m/s, in vacuum. Due to the lazy nature of physicists, this number is commonly denoted as a constant c in calculations. The Theory of Relativity predicted that no moving object in the universe has a speed that exceeds c. Therefore, if you hear something is traveling faster than the speed of light, it's non sense.
A light-year is the distance that light can travel in a year. The speed of light is about 3.0E8m/s, and a year has 3.1536E7 seconds. Therefore, a light-year is about 9.46E15 meters.
by the guy July 25, 2004
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