9 definitions by the wind is changing

a major fear of moths, mainly the really big ones. especially when the come near you and buzz right in your ear.
a fear which i admit i have. mottephobia.

never wanting to be near a giant moth in fear of it flying into your ear.
by the wind is changing September 1, 2005
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something thats really fantastic. merges the words damn and fantastic. as if something was damn fantastic.
today was just fandamntastic!
by the wind is changing September 1, 2005
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the involvemet of telling someone to have a good night.
i am going to bed now *yawn* goodnight.
by the wind is changing September 1, 2005
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stoneover: where you have consumed a large amount of weed the night b4 and u wake up in the morning still kinda stoned and feeling dizzy like a hangover. funny feeling, lasts all day.
Friend: whats wrong with you today?
Stoner: oh ive just got a massive stoneover aye.
Friend: oh yep.
by the wind is changing September 1, 2005
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mainly happens to females. when they get out of the shower after washing their hair, and its still wet and they tie it up, then when it is dry they remove the hairtie and they are left with a big bump in their hair, which is hard to brush out.
by the wind is changing September 1, 2005
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when something appears to seem very bright and when it hurts your eyes because of its brightness.
1 things like the brightness of the computer screen, a cellphone being used in the dark etc...
2 makes your eyes sting.
3 too bright to
look at.
by the wind is changing September 1, 2005
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someone who seems like they have no life in them anymore. whether they are depressed or hungover or have a cold etc...

the life has been drained out of them
friend: you seem rather unhappy today...
Person: yeah i guess im just feeling a bit lifeless today
friend: oh fair enough
by the wind is changing September 1, 2005
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