35 definitions by tacowithpeanutbutter11

The reason why you exist, the reason why you are here in this planet.

Men are hugely unappreciated, they provided so much to the world but women fail to realize how important men are
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 January 6, 2023
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rulers of the world, the better sex and superior one
Just because women look "sexy", which they dont, they have boogers, they fart, they burp, they have shit on their ass and can stink just as much as men, does not mean they are better.
A woman cannot do anything without men.

A woman cant get pregnant without a man
Men are better than women in every way
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 February 28, 2023
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The reason we are all alive today
Leading cause of humanity, but generally men are ignored and outcasted even though they have accomplished great feats
Men are amazing and we are alive because of them
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 October 16, 2022
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The act of biting the clitoris in an act of oral sex
Could be accidental or if the female partner wanted it to happen
Person 1: Yo did you hear? That guy performed clit biting on his girl and bit her whole clit off!

Person 2: Damn thats wild
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 January 14, 2023
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The female version of a Testicular Torsion
Typically not as dangerous but still very painful

A condition occurring when the ovary or fallopian tubes twist on the tissues that support them.
Surgery is the only way to treat it
Females might undergoe Ovarion Torsion due to having a cyst on the ovary
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 January 30, 2023
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The being that is the cause of all the issues in this planet and rants about how they want to kill all men on the internet

Like this website.
"That women only bitches and cries all day cause she gets no dick"
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 August 22, 2022
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