35 definitions by tacowithpeanutbutter11

a reverse of the womxn and womyn, trying to erase the female in men.
wxmen moment
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 February 11, 2023
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The movment of MENS rights which is superior to feminism and women.

Women get mad at this movement because it makes them feel lesser and offends their fragile feelings
Meninism is the greatest movement invented, made to support and uplift men
Meninism is greater than feminism!
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 January 25, 2023
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That one guy that hates his own gender
and praises radical feminists/feminazi's that hate men
In general this guy is really pathetic, sucking the toes of any girl he finds and he most likely gets a seizure or heart attack after touching a women for the first time.
The happy humanist, misandrist, retard, asshole,
waste of oxygeon
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 September 4, 2022
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one who cries and complains a lot of times

and writes sexist statements on urban dictionary to rant about their personal issues
"i hate all men, men should all die!!!" -female
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 August 21, 2022
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1: The worst thing that was ever given life
2: The one that reproduce with a male
3: A bitch that cries all day and gets their feelings hurt easily
They are a female
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 September 4, 2022
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A bitch that complains all day on twitter, reddit and youtube to say how she hates men so much
then cries herself to bed after seeing the like to dislike ratio on her comment, wondering why no one likes her.
"That female is so annoying"
by tacowithpeanutbutter11 August 22, 2022
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