154 definitions by t

A shout yelled to a hot woman by the Hyperion.
The Hyperion sees a hot chick and yells, "Ho Dollar!".
by t June 1, 2004
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person 1: sorry i just dented your car
person 2: well grayte
by t August 3, 2004
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abbreviaiton of a multiplayer internet game-World of Warcraft that probably kicks ass but has consumed our ace pilot -Starman.
Starman "one word for WOW-moOt!"

T "yo star I heard that game friggin' rots your BF skilz if you play too much!"

Starman "ya kno your probably right -I'm done with that WOW game"
by t February 19, 2005
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HEROIN - smack, scag, dirt, B's, etc. Dirty fukin drug that'll ruin you!
"Wha gwaan b? Any brown gwaan?"

"Just robbed these sunglasses, you can ave em for a bag uh brown"
by t August 2, 2003
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To empty the contents of the keg. Usually by oral consumption. Also the sign that the party/function has come to an end.
All the beer is gone. The keg has been floated. NO MORE BEER! FUCK! Now how am I gonna get this girl drunk and take advantage of her.
by t October 6, 2004
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A)Girl did you get the perm?
B)Yeah, is TCB ok?
by t August 18, 2004
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