75 definitions by stu

Big ass truck. Y'know, one with 18 wheels?
For those of you who invented this language, an H.G.V. with a total of 18 tyres.
'Yo, d'ya see the Kenworth T600 18 Wheeler with all them chicken lights? That rig was PIMPED, dog!'

'Yeah man, driver said he were hauling a load o' democrats to Tex-ass, said they needed them real bad down there to stop the Texans breeding assholes like George Dubbya'
by stu January 28, 2005
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a stupid self help book that every freshman in hs has to read and listen to lectures about. it is amazingly redundant, all the lessons are common sense and we've been taught them all through our life. the author is really rich now because his book sold a bazillion copies, purchased by pathetic people with issues & no life.
guy-Sean, stop reading the 7 habits of highly effective teens, it's dumbing you down!

sean-But we have to pass this class to graduate.

guy-6 mnths ltr sean is stupider than he already was. dont buy this book people.
by stu March 6, 2004
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stuff that you smoke to get a high
marijuana, weed, gonja, pot, gods greatest grass, bud, dope
by stu March 19, 2003
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Uncouth and generally shit-headed assholes from Northmoor.
They tend to be massively inbred.
All the citizens from Northmoor are thieving little shits, as the children start stealing things from a very early age. (e.g. 3 years old)
by stu December 2, 2004
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Chavs use this word when they are jealous of how clever and intelligent you are.
I'm gonna fuckin write bellend on the wall coz it's me favourite word o' week (writes 'Bilend'). There yaa go mate bellend. Fuckin' that's what you un's are innit ya fuckin'...CLAXON...Fuck me charver...I'M FUCKED!
by stu January 2, 2005
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A small gnome-like creature, defined by it's state of arty-fartyness and obscure emo display names.
A LooC;
There is LooC;
"What is that biting my ankles? Oh its LooC *kick* "
by stu January 31, 2005
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