27 definitions by squadsquadyt

This is a monster which runs on all fours. It is supposed to be an alien looking thing
YOOOO! I just saw the rake over there! RUN
by squadsquadyt August 6, 2019
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One leg of sweat pants and one leg of jeans
That dudes jants and pretty fucking stylish damn
by squadsquadyt April 7, 2022
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How white people say the n word to not get black people offended
What is gud my Nibba, how u doin
by squadsquadyt February 25, 2019
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A person with only 2 toes
I feel bad for that alcatrat she lost all her toes in a boating accident
by squadsquadyt April 7, 2022
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When you shart and barf at the same time
That sharf had my dying last night it was very messy
by squadsquadyt April 7, 2022
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